Gi Patches Now Available Again

Need uniform chest or shoulder patches for your gi? Official Goju Karate uniform patches are now back in stock.

As you may have read previously, the supply of official Goju Karate gi (uniform) patches ran out in early September. Happily the new supply of a thousand more sets of shoulder and chest patches has arrived at the dojo and is now available at the Front Desk.

GOJU KARATE Shoulder Patches

Amazingly, the price of each patch has increased only one dollar each since the last ones were manufactured twelve years ago in 2011 – that's quite a feat of supply chain management, given the passage of time and the high price inflation rates of the past two years.

In related news, one thousand new rank stripes have also arrived and are ready to be awarded to the hard-working karateka who earn them. The very first advanced stripe from the new production run was awarded to an adult karateka on Monday, October 16th, 2023.

That means, of course, that there are only 999 left. It took a dozen years for the first run of one thousand stripes to be awarded – it'll be interesting to see how long it takes to award this next one thousand stripes!